INVENIO is a French grower association, involved in the experimentation of fruits and vegetables as well as in the breeding of strawberry.

The board of INVENIO consists of all the parties involved in the industry from growers to wholesalers including nurseries. INVENIO’s staff consists of 40 permanent people.

Research Activity

In strong connection with INRAE, the France's national research institute for agriculture, food and environment, INVENIO is involved in the research for developing new tools like marker-assisted selection in order to accelerate the process of the breeding. INVENIO has participated in many regional, French and European projects such as GoodBerry or GenBerry.

Web Site

Head office

Min de Brienne, 110 quai de Paludate, BP 26, 33800 Bordeaux, France

Plant breeding department

Maison Jeannette, 24140 Douville, France