Activities planned in Med-Berry
University of Bologna is involved in the Med-Berry project as Coordinator, thus its role in the project is to
- ensure an appropriate management and facilitate the communication among the partners and with the PRIMA FOUNDATION (WP6).
- supervise and monitor the project activities and direct research progress toward the objectives and milestones;
- ensure adherence to the project timetable and optimize overall impact and alert the Agency’s representative of any issue likely to affect the attainment of deliverables and milestones, and to propose appropriate contingency plans to address such issues;
- represent the Med-Berry Consortium in negotiations and discussions with the Agency; oversee, collect and prepare technical and financial reports; submit these to the Agency;
- organize and chair project meetings.
Furthermore our Biotech. Lab team is involved in the research and development of pathogen- resistant intragenic strawberry (WP2), Host-Induced Gene Silencing Technology (HIGS) and Spray-Induced Gene Silencing Technology (SIGS) (WP3).
Unibo participates, together with all the partners, in the dissemination and communication strategies plan (WP5).