Activities planned in Med-Berry
UMIL coordinate WP4 Socio-economic studies, and is involved all tasks from economic background analysis, economic sustainability and social acceptability of Med-Berry innovations.
The general objective is to evaluate the sustainability of the alternative solutions for strawberry pest control developed by the project. In particular, the objectives of this WP are:
- Economic sustainability: To evaluate the economic impact of the newly developed solutions in strawberry production
- Social sustainability: To analyse and understand the acceptability of innovative technologies in fruit crop defense in the Mediterranean context
Task 4.1. Economic background and cost/benefit analysis
Internal report on strawberry market and cost/benefit analysis of strawberry production at farm level Evaluation of the status of conventional and organic strawberry production & market in Med-Berry Countries. Analysis of strawberry’s production costs, with a specific focus on crop protection costs.
Task 4.2. Economic sustainability of Med-Berry new products
Identification of the potential effect of Med-Berry innovations on farm production costs. Estimation of their potential market revenues and competitiveness (product quality, shelf-life, storage costs, etc.). Specific evaluation of the R&D expenditure and the authorisation costs required to bring Med-Berry products to major market. Analysis of the potential socio-economical benefits deriving by the generation of new patents and spin-off.
Task 4.3. Evaluating the social acceptability of Med-Berry new products
A consumer survey, with online panels in each Country of the consortium and in their major strawberry trade partners, will be achieved in order to assess the perception, acceptance and willingness to consume WP1-2-3 new products. A Survey/Focus group amongst market stakeholders (producer organizations, food industry, retail industry) will be performed to assess their perception and interest towards Med-Berry products.