

Dario G. Frisio (M) Research Team Coordinator. Full Professor. Agricultural Economist. Member of the Scentific Commettee of CREA – Council for the research in Agriculture and agri-food economic analysis, Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (2017-). Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, UMIL (2012-2017). Director of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy, UMIL (2010-2012). His work focuses on economics and politics of ag-biotech innovation.

Roberto Pretolani (M) Full Professor. Agricultural Economist. Director of the doctorate school in “Innovation for the Agri-food and Environmental Sciences”, UMIL (2011- 2016). Director of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy, UMIL (2004-2010). Scientific Director of the Inter-University Center for Agri-food and Environmental Development (Universities of Brescia, Milano and Pavia), (2008-2013). His work focuses on economic and management analysis of farm activity.

Giovanni Ferrazzi (M) Assistant Professor. Agraicultural Economist. Co-founder and member of the Management Board of “Feed From Food”, a spin-off company of the University of Milan. His work focuses on innovation and organisation in the agri-food system.

Vera Ventura
(F) Researcher, University of Brescia. Leader of the WG4 Socio-economic Issues of the IPlanta Cost Action 15223 “Modifyng Plants to Produce Interfering RNA” (2017-) Co-founder and member of the Management Board of “Feed From Food”, a spin-off company of the University of Milan. Her work focuses on IP economic analysis and public perception/acceptability of ag-biotech innovations.